1. June 2017, Rodriguez arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia along with a group animal professionals. They all traveled to Bandung and met with the government official that oversaw matters related to the zoo and was granted permission to offer help at Bandung Zoo. The government official stressed that Rodriguez was to NOT to simply hand over money and that the zoo was to be held accountable for any assistance given.
2. Shortly after permission was granted (approx fifteen minutes), permission was withdrawn, thus denying Rodriguez the opportunity to assess and confirm the needs of the animals.
3. Rodriguez's photograph was found to be posted at the entrance of the zoo, along with a statement to deny her entry and refuse her help.
4. Prior to Rodriguez's arrival and documented in CEE4Life's posts, CEE4Life informed Bandung Zoo that Rodriguez would not “join in to help the zoo” and that she was “not giving them money”.
5. The next day, Bandung Zoo, along with the Indonesian based Zoo and Aquarium Association, held a press conference and accused Rodriguez of refusing to help the animals at Bandung Zoo and of committing fraud. http://indonesiaexpat.biz/topreads/bandung-zoo-accuses-fundraiser-fraud/
6. Bandung Zoo publicly demanded that Rodriguez turn over the money she had raised.
7. CEE4Life publicly demanded that Rodriguez turn over the money she had raised.
8. Rodriguez began getting threatening messages on social media and it was discovered that she had been followed when photographs of her entering the government office, appeared on CEE4Life's social media page.
9. It was then reported that Rodriguez's photograph, along with instructions to deny entry and refuse assistance, had been sent to every zoo in the country by the Indonesia Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
10. Rodriguez left the country in fear for her safety but her team stayed behind to attempt to push through their agenda.