Thursday, June 21, 2018
Orangutans addicted to nicotine?
We received shocking news from a good samaritan who is an animal advocate about an endangered orangutan caught smoking on camera (this video link has disappeared) but here is one that works
The video was captured by a family who was very distressed by what they saw. You could hear them shouting at the orangutan, "buang", "Oi buang", "buang" (meaning throw away) desperately urging the orangutan to discard the cigarettes. At one point the orangutan picked up a second cigarette, swallowed and chewed at it whilst smoking the other cigarette. It then inhaled the smoke and exhaled through its nostrils. The lady let out a cry "Aduh" (Oh!) in horror at what she saw. Sincerest thanks to this family for capturing this They tagged the Mayor of Bandung about this. The Mayor and his wife are foster parents to the female orangutan Cinta Lestari who was born in September 2017 into a life of captive misery and exploitation.
Orangutan smoking in the Bandung Zoo is not an isolated case. If you remember, back in March 4th 2018, Ozone the endangered orangutan was also caught on camera smoking.
Are the orangutans in the Bandung Zoo addicted to nicotine? Both orangutans are very apt in smoking the cigarette. What will be the management's excuse this time? "The guard went on his break"?