Friday, November 30, 2018

Turning A Blind Eye

Below is a screenshot summary of Cee4Life activities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. The Australian NGO who has partnered with the Bandung Zoo.

With such expertise and dedication from Cee4Life, one would think that the Bandung Zoo animals had won the lottery. Instead, they continue to suffer like these 2 porcupines. This picture below was taken on November 17th 2018 by/for who saw through the "smoke and mirrors" of the Bandung Zoo and are demanding answers from the zoo management and asking for public opinions, whilst Cee4Life and their supporters continue to defend this disgusting zoo at every turn.

When an animal rescue NGO turns a blind eye and chooses to side with the animal exploiters, they inflict a vicious cycle of unimaginable suffering to the animals. They cease to be part of the solution. These poor animals deserve better.